AI2SEP - Developing Talents in Artificial Intelligence to Solve Disruptive Environmental Problems


Erasmus+ 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-0001667650

Project duration: 2023 -2026

Partner institutions: University of Silesia, Univerza v Mariboru, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, University of Zagreb, Vilnius University

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of higher education. This will be achieved through the joint development and pilot implementation of 14 AI/ML modules and 10 research projects within an international consortium of five higher education institutions. A total of 64 ECTS will be awarded for these activities, with the project duration extending until September 30, 2026. The achievement of this objective will be facilitated by extensive dissemination activities, training activities and close cooperation between the five higher education institutions and the associated partner.

The AI2SEP project comprises several key activities. These include the implementation of four teaching blocks: Data Engineering for Data Science, AI/ML for IT students (Basic Level), AI/ML for IT students (Advanced Level) and AI/ML for non-IT students. In addition, the project includes the implementation of ten student research projects, the evaluation of the pilot edition, the implementation of training measures and study visits as well as the active dissemination of the project results.

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