Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems

The name of the Programme: Bologna Doctoral Study Programme: Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems

The title obtained by the graduate: doktor znanosti, doktorica znanosti (Doctoral Degree, PhD in abridged form)

Duration: The study takes 3 years (6 semesters).


The objective of the Programme

The essential objective of the Business and Work Systems Doctoral Study Programme is to educate outstanding experts for:

  • Understanding of the business environment in terms of business and production system engineering,
  • Independent and prospective research work,
  • In-depth research and generation of new methods of planning, organization, management and control of business and production processes and systems, and evaluation of their broadest applicability,
  • Critical thinking and analytical solving of the most demanding business problems from the aspect of the interest field of study.

During their Doctoral studies the students will deepen their knowledge and comprehension of the quality management, system ergonomics, management of business processes and projects, management of product development and technological processes, ecological management, innovation processes, and organization of technological systems.

Conditions for Promotion to the Next Year of Study

In order to progress from the first year of studies into the second year of studies, the students in their Third-Cycle of the Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems Study Programme have to fulfil certain duties along the Study Programme, namely to the extent of 45 ECTS points in their current year of studies, whereas it is mandatory to pass the exam on the subject “Scientific Research of Social Phenomenon” and duties deriving from the individual research work.   

When progressing from the second year of studies to the third year of studies in the Third-Cycle of the Study Programme, the students have to fulfil duties to the extent of 51 ECTS points of their current year of studies and all the duties deriving from the first year of studies.

A candidate who has not completed all study duties may, in accordance with the provisions of the University of Maribor and on the basis of a written application, request the Commission for Scientific and Research Affairs of the Senate of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor for the enrolment in the next year of studies if the candidate submits documentation with justifiable reasons. The conditions for the repetition of a year, exceptional enrolment, and an extension of the student status are defined in:

  • Statute of the University of Maribor,
  • Criteria for assessing the students’ applications and justifiable reasons in accordance with Articles 85, 121, and 212 of the Statute of the University of Maribor .

The applications are considered by the Commission for Scientific and Research Affairs of the Senate of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor.

The students, who have not fulfilled all the duties in order to progress to the next class of the same Study Programme, can repeat the year once in the Higher Education. Moreover, the student’s decision to change the Study Programme or the Course for failure to fulfil the study duties under the previous Programme or Course, will also be regarded as a repetition of the year. The repetition of a year may be granted by the Commission for Scientific and Research Affairs in accordance with the conditions for repeating a year defined by the Statute of the University of Maribor.   

Conditions for the Completion of the Study

Students complete their studies after having fulfilled all the duties envisaged under the Study Programme and written and defended the Doctoral Dissertation successfully and, thus, collected a total of at least 180 ECTS. In accordance with Rules And Regulations On Doctoral Studies At The University Of Maribor, students must publish research papers with the results of research in the field of doctoral dissertation prior to defending of the doctoral dissertation, in the internationally recognized scientific journals indexed in JCR in one of the world languages, as the first author.

Criteria regarding the required scientific activities of the PhD students before promotion

Candidates for the promotion of doctors of science must meet the conditions set out in article 157 of the UM Statute, as well as the criteria, set out in article 30 of the Rules and Regulations on Doctora?l Studies at the University of Maribor.

Subject-specific competences

A graduate of the Business and Work Systems Doctoral Study Programme is a top-expert with theoretical and practical knowledge needed for the research of the management of quality, planning of development and upgrading of the ergonomics system foundations and management of business processes and projects. The PhD student masters the development of products and technological processes, builds and develops the ecological management on the basis of innovation processes, and develops the theory of technological systems` organization.  Moreover, the PhD student is also able to take on the most demanding tasks in analysing, planning, designing, developing, and managing of business and work systems, both in the state, non-government as well as the commercial organizations.

Doctors of Philosophy from the field of Business and Work Systems are trained to:

  • Identify, analyse, and solve the problems in the field of research, development, and operational work in large, medium-sized and small enterprises,
  • Manage the independent entrepreneurial plans and programmes in large, medium-sized, and small companies,
  • Search and evaluate the business systems’ strategic development opportunities responsibly,
  • Develop, design, construct, and manage the modern managerial research methods in the study in essential, support, and management processes from the information and management aspect,
  • Manage and handle the projects of construction and development of business, organizational and complex work systems,
  • Transfer the theoretical knowledge into everyday practice and the ability to synthesise the knowledge from the field of business and work systems, organization, informatics, and human resources,
  • Develop the standards for a high-quality and professional autonomous work,
  • Anticipate, plan, organize, control, and manage the operation of the business system effectively and efficiently,
  • Use the modern information technologies in the process of management successfully,
  • Develop the communication skills for a successful work in the business and work environments and to analyse the in-depth understanding of relevant relationships in the mentioned environments,
  • Understand the problems of the systems and activities at micro and macro levels and to master the responsive messages of the complex systems.

During their studies the PhD students have numerous opportunities for development and research work and for critical confrontation of engineering and business theory with the entrepreneurial practice. Through such manner of study the PhD students are trained simultaneously for both development and research work in the practice and quick taking over of responsible tasks, which enables them to perform even the most demanding research, development, consultant, and other professions in the professional and scientific fields.

  • Curriculum 2022/2023
  • Curriculum 2023/2024

    Course unit



    Contact hours

    Scientific research of social phenomenon

    Kljajić Borštnar M., Žnidaršič A.

    9 20
    Modern approaches of Enterprise Engineering Kern T., Balantič Z. 9 20

    Transferable knowledge

    Kljajič Borštnar M., Žnidaršič A. 6 10
    Individual Research Work In collaboration with mentor 6  
    Modern organization and management  theories   Šprajc P. 9 10
    Individual Research Work I  In collaboration with mentor 12  
    Elective subject   9 10

    First Year - Elective subjects (student selects one of the following elective subjects):




    Contact hours

    Advanced Quality Management Systems Maletič D. 9 10
    Ergonomics in Digital Engineering Balantič Z. 9 10
    Business Process and Project Management Kern T. 9 10
    Management of development process  Maletič M., Roblek M. 9 10
    Sustainable organization and innovativeness Maletič M., Senegačnik M. 9 10
    Role of natural science and technology in organizational sciences Senegačnik M. 9 10
    Mastering Supply Chains Roblek M., Mežnar D. 9 10




    Course unit



    Contact hours

    Individual Research Work II  In collaboration with mentor 21  
    Individual Research Work III In collaboration with mentor 30  
    Elective subject*    9 10

    Second Year - Elective subjects* (student selects one of the following elective subjects)*:




    Contact hours

    Decision Theory and systems for decision support  Rajkovič U. 9 10
    Knowledge Discovery From Data  Kljajić Borštnar M. 9 10
    Digitalization of business models Pucihar A. 9 10
    Software engineering Leskovar R. 9 10
    Information System Development: Methods and Techniques Rajkovič U.,  Werber B. 9 10
    System Dynamics and Development of Strategies Škraba A. 9 10
    Staffing Organizations Vukovič G., Marič M. 9 10
    Development and Education of Human Resources Jereb E. 9 10
    Internal communications Ferjan M. 9 10
    Advanced Topics in Strategic Human Resource Planning Bernik M. 9 10
    Digital marketing strategies Vukovič G., Marič M. 9 10
    Risk management theory Podbregar I. 9 10
    System reliability, availability and information security Brezavšček A. 9 10
    Organization and management in the digital age Šprajc P. 9 10
    Advanced quantitative methods in organizational sciences Žnidaršič A. 9 10
    Network analysis Jerebic J. 9 10
    Basics of Cybernetics Ivanuša T. 9 10
    Advanced optimization methods in organizational systems Kofjač D., Brezavšček A. 9 10

    * the student can selects the elective subject of the 2nd year also in the range of the elective subjects in the 1st year


    Course unit


    Individual Research Work IV

    In collaboration with mentor

    Doctoral dissertation In collaboration with mentor 30
  • The curriculum and course syllabuses that apply to the generations of students enrolled in the first year of study in the academic year 2023/24 are available HERE

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