
The management of the faculty consists of the dean, vice-deans and the secretary of the faculty.

The dean and vice-deans are appointed by the rector at the proposal of the faculty senate. The secretary is selected in a public tender and is appointed by the rector after the prior opinion of the faculty senate and the secretary general  of the university.

The faculty has five vice-deans, namely the vice-dean for education, the vice-dean for quality and international cooperation, the vice-dean for research, the vice-dean for development and the vice-dean for student affairs. The first four vice-deans are from the ranks of university teachers, the fifth is from the ranks of exemplary students.


Dean: Full Professor PhD Iztok Podbregar

Vice Dean for Educational Activities: Full Professor PhD Polona Šprajc

Vice-Dean for Quality and International Cooperation: Full Professor PhD Anja Žnidaršič

Vice Dean for Research Activities: Assistant Professor PhD Damjan Maletič

Vice Dean for Development: Full Professor PhD Andrej Škraba

Vice Dean for Student Affairs: Timotej Matej Zagorc

Secretary General: Uršula Bižič, Bachelor of Laws

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