Alumni FOV

The Alumni Club of The Faculty of Organizational Sciences was established in 2011 along the lines of the Alumni Clubs of the world-famous Universities and Faculties. The Alumni Club joins all the graduates of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and all deserving individuals who have contributed to the development of the Faculty and organizational sciences. It is a smaller, but rapidly growing organization with an excellent support in the environment where it operates and a clearly determined development strategy.


The Alumni Club of The Faculty of Organizational Sciences offers a stimulating environment and the activities to maintain the connection and communication between the members of different generations of graduates of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the Faculty itself. The Club also enables personal and professional development of individuals and organizations, promotes the achievements of its members, the Faculty, and organizational sciences in the environment, and cooperates actively in the positive development of the society in which it operates.


Our vision is to become an indispensable organization for the maintenance of connectivity, communication, and business cooperation between the graduates of different enrolment generations and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

Fundamental values

  • Maintenance of connectivity and communication among the graduates,
  • Cultivation of belonging to the Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
  • Development and promotion of organizational sciences,
  • Development of the individuals and organizations and
  • Active role in the positive development of the society.

Not yet a member of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences?

For further information, please contact us at the e-mail address:

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