We are here for you. Send your issues, observations, suggestions, comments, and wishes to one of our published contacts and we will try our best to implement all the great ideas into the Faculty environment.
In addition to that, we would also like to be informed about the course of the study process, Professors, Assistants, obstacles you are facing with, things you would like to praise, in a word, the course of the lectures and exams.
We present the crucial element in the process of the higher education workers’ habilitation (teaching authorisation). For a certain period of time each Professor and Assistant must submit an application for habilitation. The term habilitation entails the assessment of suitability of a candidate for the performance, deliverance of a lecture, transfer of knowledge, and research activity in the field such candidate runs for. In this process, the word of the students also matters, as they may express their opinions of the candidate. In the event of issuing a negative opinion, the higher education worker stops giving lectures at the Faculty.
We are the Body of the Faculty. The representatives in the Student Council are elected by their colleagues in elections at the beginning of the academic year. The term of the members is one (1) year. Each year’s studies have their own Council and its own President. The President and a member of the year’s Studies Council have a voting right in the Student Council. Each member of the Student Council represents all the students of his/her year’s studies. With his/her vote the representative speaks on behalf of all the students, therefore, send him/her all the information you think is crucial and necessary.
As a Body, we also have some other rights and duties that are set out in the Acts of the University.