Tutoring at FOV

Tutoring is the systematic provision of support to students and the promotion of their academic, extra-curricular and personal development. Tutoring has been implemented at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences for over ten years. The tutoring system involves teacher tutors and student tutors who are in charge of specific groups of students or are responsible for specific areas.

The purpose of tutoring:

  • to facilitate students' integration into the academic environment;
  • to guide students through the study process and to advise them on academic and other topics and situations;
  • to inform students of their rights and obligations;
  • to inform students about the procedures and rules of the faculty, the Student council and other forms of student organisation and life;
  • encourage students to participate in international exchanges and to network with international students;
  • provide assistance to students with special needs and special status;
  • provide assistance to international students;
  • advise students on the choice of courses, further study and career options.

Forms of tutoring support at FOV:

  • entrance tutoring at the beginning of your studies,
  • tutoring during the course of studies or content tutoring, and
  • exit tutoring at the end of studies.

Recipients of tutoring support:

  • the general student population,
  • students with special needs and special status; and
  • international students (enrolled for the duration of their studies and on exchange).

If you need our help, you can contact the tutor teachers and student tutors. To find out which tutors and student tutors cover each group of students or are responsible for a specific area, please see the tables below, which also give you ways to contact us.

  • Teacher Tutors
  • Student Tutors
  • The contact hours of the tutor teachers are during the office hours of the individual teachers. Please contact them by email in advance.


    Teacher Tutor*

    1st year UN (all study programmes)

    izr. prof. dr. Miha Marič

    1st year VS (all study programmes)

    red. prof. dr. Anja Žnidaršič,
    doc. dr. Janja Jerebic

    2nd and 3rd year VS and UN (OMKIS)

    doc. dr. Vesna Novak

    2nd and 3rd year VS and UN (IPS)

    doc. dr. Marjan Senegačnik

    2nd and 3rd year VS and UN (OMIS)

    izr. prof. dr. Borut Werber

    Management in Sport VS (all years)

    asist. Bojana Vasić

    Crisis Management VS (all years)

    asist. Bojana Vasić

    2nd Bologna degree OMIS (both years) doc. dr. Marjeta Marolt 

    2nd Bologna degree IPS (both years)

    asist. Tilen Medved 

    2nd Bologna degree OMKIS (both years)

    asist. Marina Dežman 

    2nd Bologna degree MZSV (both years) doc. dr. Marjeta Marolt
    Students with special needs and special status doc. dr. Marjeta Marolt

    Foreign students
    (including international exchange students)

    asist. Marina Dežman


    doc. dr. Marjeta Marolt

  • Tutoring hours: Wednesdays 11.00-14.00 (first Wednesday of the month at FOV in basement room 012, other Wednesdays at MS Teams: Code - cbnbg4o)

    E-mail address: tutor.fov@soum.si

    Year Student Tutor*
    1st year UN (all study programmes)

    Ana Repas
    Emeli Šemen

    1st year VS (all study programmes)

    Ajda Sofrić
    Ana Repas
    Emeli Šemen

    2nd year (all study programmes at VS and UN)

    Jakob Krmelj
    Oskar Žnidaršič
    Jan Naglič Orehar

    3rd year (all VS and UN study programmes)

    Ajda Turk
    Julijana Božnar
    Zala Bergoč

    Sport Management VS (all years)

    Julijana Božnar

    Crisis Management VS (all years)

    Zala Bergoč
    2nd Bologna cycle (all study programmes and both years)

    Katja Pintarič

    2nd Bologna degree MHSSV (both years) Katja Pintarič
    Students with special needs and special status

    Zala Bergoč
    Ajda Sofrić

    International students (including international exchange students)

    Ajda Sofrić


    Zala Bergoč


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