Center for Informatics and Information Technology provides IT support for both employees as well as students of FOV. If you have problems with applications like AIPS, Moodle, Eduroam or a problem with the digital identity UM, you can contact us during office hours or choose an option below:
- mail:
- phone: +386 (0)4 23 74 240 ali +386 (0)4 23 74 242
Accessibility statement
This accessibility statement refers to the website. In order to comply with the requirements regarding accessibility, some adjustments were systemically provided, such as:
- responsive design (adjusting content layout to screen resolution),
- displaying contents for assistive technologies users (e.g. screen readers),
- keyboard navigation (adjustment for users who cannot use the mouse),
- adequate colour contrasts (between the text and the background),
- predictable website operation,
- enabled equipping images with alternative text,
- enabled use of various levels of headings.
Level of compliance
The website partially complies with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to the below stated exceptions.
Inaccessible content
We are constantly monitoring the accessibility of the website and regularly improving individual elements of accessibility. Nevertheless, some published contents do not comply with all the requirements regarding accessibility as laid down in the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to the disproportionate burden. Regarding publications within the website, users with various forms of disability are thus not able to access some documents intended for a professional or narrow target public or documents that would due to their complexity present a disproportionate burden. Nevertheless, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of University of Maribor we are putting forth extra effort to make our contents as well adapted as possible to potential users belonging to vulnerable groups. In the future, we will make sure to publish documents as much as possible in accessible format.
Examples of such content are:
- scanned documents in PDF format,
- graphic elements in form of images with captions (e.g. infographics),
- video recordings,
- various complex data tables.
Feedback and contact information
Despite our efforts to keep all web pages as accessible and user friendly as possible, while browsing the website, visitors may occasionally encounter accessibility problems due to very frequent updates in content. We can further improve accessibility if you report on your experience with our website. If you run into any problem or if you need access to information that is inaccessible, please let us know.
You can notify us about potential cases of non-compliance with the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and send the request to communicate information in an accessible form by regular mail or by e-mail:
- Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI-4000 Kranj
- +386 (0)4 23 74 242
You will receive an answer within eight days from the receipt of your notification or request. If we will not be able to appropriately answer you, we will notify you when the answer will be provided and the reasons for the delay.
If you detect a derogation from the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, you may file a report with information society inspectors by regular mail or by e-mail:
- Public Sector Inspectorate, MINISTRY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, Tržaška cesta 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana
- +386 (0)1 478 83 84
Accessibility statement preparation
The statement was last updated on 18 April 2023.