22. 09. 2021 to 24. 09. 2021
09:00 to 13:30

SOR’ is the premiere scientific event in the area of operations research, one of the traditional series of the biannual international conferences.  It represents a continuity of symposia, which have attracted a growing number of international audience since the first symposium.

SOR provides an international forum for scientific exchange at the frontiers of operations research (OR) in mathematics, statistics, economics, engineering, education, environment, computer science etc. Since OR comprises a large variety of mathematical, statistical and informational theories and methods to analyse complex situations and to contribute to responsible decision making, planning and the efficient use of the resources, we believe, that in the world of increasing complexity and scarce natural resources there will be a growing need for such approaches in many fields of our society.

SOR ’21 is organized by Slovenian Society Informatika, Section of Operations Research and University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in cooperation with University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

16th Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia will be organized online  from 22nd to 24th September 2021. Mora about the symposium and its programe you will found here: https://sor.fov.um.si/.

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