Procedure for submitting a doctoral dissertation topic
In accordance with the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Maribor, as amended and supplemented, the application for a doctoral dissertation topic must include the following documents:
- The application of the doctoral dissertation topic and the consent of the proposed supervisor (co-supervisor);
- The dissertation proposal, prepared in accordance with Article 18, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the UUM. The Recommendations for the analysis of sources and justification of the originality of the doctoral dissertation topic must also be taken into account;
- a list of scientific and other works or achievements related to the doctoral studies (extract from COBISS or portfolio if the works are not registered in the COBISS system);
- a professional opinion on the topic of the doctoral dissertation from the supervisor and possible co-supervisor, including a proposal for the name of the external examiner;
- a justification of the supervisor's scholarly activity on the basis of Article 10 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at UM;
- if a co-supervisor is proposed, a justification of the role of the supervisor and the co-supervisor in the doctoral dissertation.
- a justification of the scientific activity of the co-supervisor on the basis of Article 10 of the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at UM;
Students in the second year of the registered doctoral programme, together with their intended supervisor, will receive more detailed instructions for the application of the topic by e-mail from the Office of Student Affairs - Doctoral Studies.
An illustration of the doctoral dissertation topic approval procedure, which is summarised in the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Maribor, is available HERE .
The topic of the doctoral dissertation is approved when the UM Senate issues a decision on its approval.
Conditions for submission and submission of the doctoral dissertation
In accordance with the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at UM (Article 30), the doctoral student must:
- no later than four years from the date on which his/her doctoral dissertation topic has been approved by the UM Senate, submit the following to the Doctoral Studies Office:
- the completed doctoral dissertation;
- a report on the verification of similarity with other works (Plagiarism - Notice - Copyright (all levels of study); Plagiarism - Instructions on the verification of similarity of the content of the electronic form of the thesis with other works)
- a signed statement by the supervisor (and co-supervisor) on the suitability of the doctoral thesis and the suitability of the publications of the findings of the doctoral thesis.
- have at least one publication from the doctoral thesis on which he/she is the first author prior to submission of the doctoral thesis. Relevant publications are considered to be scientific articles published in JCR impact factor journals that are in the top three quarters of quality in terms of impact factor, and patents with a full examination.
For the elaboration of the doctoral dissertation, the doctoral student shall follow the format of the doctoral dissertation as laid down in the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Maribor. For more information on further instructions and documentation, please contact the Office of Student Affairs - Doctoral Studies:
After the successful defence, the PhD candidate will receive all information regarding the submission of hard-bound copies of the PhD dissertation by e-mail from the Office for Student Affairs - Doctoral Studies.
An illustration of the doctoral dissertation submission procedure and the defence, which is summarised in the Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Maribor, is available HERE .