Katedra za inženiring poslovnih in produkcijskih sistemov
+386 (0)4 23 74 296
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- Standardizacija in sistemi managementa (SIST EN ISO 9001, SIST EN ISO 14001, SIST ISO 55001, SIST EN ISO 56002, SIST EN ISO 26000),
- pristopi managementa kakovosti in odličnosti,
- trajnostni razvoj organizacije in inovativnost.
Referenčne objave: MALETIČ, Damjan, ALMEIDA, Nuno Marques de, GOMIŠČEK, Boštjan, MALETIČ, Matjaž. (2023). Understanding motives for and barriers to implementing asset management system : an empirical study for engineered physical assets. Production planning & control. Volume 34, Issue 15. MALETIČ, Damjan, GRABOWSKA, Marta, MALETIČ, Matjaž. (2023). Drivers and barriers of digital transformation in asset management. Management and production engineering review. Vol. 14, no. 1, str. 118-126. MALETIČ, Matjaž, GOMIŠČEK, Boštjan, MALETIČ, Damjan. (2021). The missing link : sustainability innovation practices, non-financial performance outcomes and economic performance. Management research review. Vol. 44, no. 11, str. 1457-1477. MALETIČ, Matjaž, MALETIČ, Damjan, GOMIŠČEK, Boštjan. (2018). The role of contingency factors on the relationship between sustainability practices and organizational performance. Journal of cleaner production. Vol. 171, str. 423-433.
- Erasmus+,
- bilateralni projekti z različnimi državami,
- član programske skupine P5-0018 (Sistemi za podporo odločanju v digitalnem poslovanju).
Referenčni projekti: NEXTLOG - Building next generation competencies for logisticians and supply chain managers (PROGRAM ERASMUS+) QVCMP - Qualification, validation and certification of maintenance personnel (PROGRAM ERASMUS+).