Management in Sport

The name of the Programme: Management in Sport

The title obtained by the graduate: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Duration: The study takes 3 years (6 semesters).

Students complete the studies upon performing all envisaged obligations in the programme, successfully defending the final paper and collecting at least 180 ECTS credit points in total.
The objective of the Programme: The goal of the Management in Sport BA study programme (professionally oriented higher education) is to ensure the widest possible employment opportunities for graduates in commercial and non-commercial organizations, sports associations, etc. Graduates that will complete the Management in Sport BA study programme (professionally oriented higher education) can be employed as operative staff in the field of purchasing, sales, marketing and human resources, and in the field of management and administration (managers or associates for infrastructure facilities and projects, such as: project managers, heads of marketing and finance departments, coordinators or associates and representatives for public relations, etc.).

Areas mastered by a graduate of undergraduate studies:
Business Sciences 90%
The Field of Sports 94%
Management 87%

Subject-specific competencies

Over the duration of the study programme, graduate competencies will be expressed as personal characteristics of students, such as effectiveness in performance of individual work, individual’s desire and ability to perform their task, and individual’s effectiveness.

The environment of the institution where the study programme will be carried out will have a significant impact on the achievement of graduate competencies. The students will have the option of performing practical training in organizations organizing the largest sports events in Faculty vicinity: Planica, Kranjska gora, Bled and Pokljuka.

The study programme shall be designed to develop the following competencies:

  • Organization-relevant personal characteristics, such as independence, critical thinking skills, self-confidence, reliability, responsibility, and professionalism.
  • Skills: information on key facts, models, tools, principles and dependencies (structural knowledge), understanding of things, competence for carrying out procedures, a sense for division of work within an organization, a sense of time, a sense of environment.
  • Personal and social skills: sensory abilities, creativity, understanding emotions and effective communication.
  • Self-esteem.
Profile of a graduate

During their studies, the students of the Management in Sport BA study programme (professionally oriented higher education) obtain informative and formative knowledge and are trained to carry out functions of the management process and fundamental and support business functions under the subject-specific competencies. The functions of the management process include planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and motivating personnel.

The fundamental business functions include purchasing, sales, human resources, finance and accounting, and conversion of input to output. Support business functions include informatics, public relations, ensuring security and others. The graduates are capable of operative control of management, marketing, accounting and finance. They perform operative work in the field of sports – organization and projects. The conversion business function relates to sports to management of sports infrastructure, sports organizations, sports facilities and sports as a purely commercial service. The content of the study programme enables the students to obtain formative and informative knowledge in the field of sports, sports organizations, and sports facilities and services.

The students are trained to participate in the research of needs for new knowledge and technology. They are heavily application-oriented.