We are pleased that you are interested in studying at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences, as choosing the right faculty for your studies is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life.
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences develops study programmes in the fields of Business Systems Engineering, Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems, Information Systems, Management in Sport, Crisis Management and Management in Health and Social Welfare. The study programmes are internationally accredited - ECBE accreditation. It is one of the best-equipped faculties with excellent conditions for studying via block mode and modern e-learning approaches. At the faculty you will acquire up-to-date knowledge and competences that you can build on by studying abroad, and above all you will have the opportunity for a promising career and career development.
The Student Affairs Office and the Career Centre are available to answer any questions you may have about applying to the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at UM. You can call them during office hours or send them an email.
The best indicator of how well a faculty is doing is the careers of its graduates. Graduates of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences - more than 21,290 of them over the years - can be found in the most responsible management positions, in business, healthcare, education, public administration, government, and among Slovenia's most successful entrepreneurs. The Career Centre of the FOV in cooperation with the UM Career Centre ensures constant contact with the business environment.
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