17. 10. 2024

In October FOV UM started to participate as a project partner in the new Erasmus+ Project: SuMoS – Strengthening the ecosystem for sustainable student mobilty

The SuMoS project was designed with the broader goal of strengthening the institutional ecosystem for strategic, structured and sustainable cooperation between higher education institutions in the field of student mobility through the development and purposeful use of green practices, digital tools and curriculum comparison approaches. It is a joint initiative around 5 specific goals of 5 partners from 4 EU countries and 1 candidate country.
09. 10. 2024

Welcome to Erasmus+ students at FOV UM

The Faculty of Organizational Sciences UM is hosting students from Portugal, Slovakia, Germany and Ukraine as part of Erasmus+ international exchanges this year.
08. 10. 2024

The University Press has published a handbook »Small-Code Programming with APEX: A Handbook with Practical Examples«, edited by Prof. Robert Leskovar, PhD, and Assoc. Prof. Alenka Baggia, PhD.

The handbook was developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ project BeeApex, and the content of the handbook was developed with the cooperation of representatives of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the UM, as well as representatives of other project partners from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia; University of Žilina, Slovakia; Kozminsky University, Poland; Hellenic International University, Greece; and representatives of Johannes Kepler University, Austria.
18. 07. 2024

Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor 2024/25

The University of Maribo​r is publishing the »Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor – 2024/25 Academic Year«.
05. 07. 2024

Call for enrolment in postgraduate study programmes in the academic year 2024/25 – 2nd application deadline for foreigners

Today, on 5 July 2024, the 2nd application period for enrolment in the 1st year of the Master’s degree programme for non-EU citizens – foreigners, and the 2nd application period for enrolment in the 1st year of the PhD degree programme for applicants without Slovenian citizenship and non-EU citizens – foreigners, opened in the framework of the Call for enrolment in postgraduate study programmes of the University of Maribor for the academic year 2024/25.
29. 05. 2024

Utrecht Summer School: Applying Ethics to Digital Innovation

From 8 to 12 July 2024, the HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, Netherldans, is organising an international summer school that every year brings together students from all over the world.
07. 05. 2024

Care4health workshop for educators

University of Murcia will host a workshop with intensive training and exchange of expertise in healthcare as a part of “Care4Health: Building the Healthcare Worker of Tomorrow” project.
08. 09. 2023

Public Call for Awarding a Financial Incentive to Talented International Students from the Field of STEM at the UM – TALENT:UM 2023

On the web portal moja um the Public Call for Awarding a Financial Incentive to Talented International Students from the Field of STEM at the UM – TALENT:UM 2023 has been published.
18. 05. 2023

Call for Participation / 3rd International Summer School / September 2023

At the Faculty of Organizational Sciences which is the member of the University of Maribor we will again organise the International Summer school which will be held in Kranj, Slovenia.
09. 02. 2023

Call for Application for Co-Financing of Erasmus+ Student Mobility fort he purpose of Studies Abroad fort he 2023/2024 Academic Year

The Erasmus+ programme allows students to complete part of their study requirements at any level or cycle of study (including the preparation of their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral theses) at a partner institution abroad instead of at their home faculty.
02. 02. 2023

Invitation for students / International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications – ASTRA 2023

Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka is organizing the International Summer School on Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Traffic Applications – ASTRA 2023 within an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP).
18. 01. 2023

Staff Week 2023

In March 2023, we will organize the International Staff Week FOV 2023 in conjunction with the conference on the development of organizational sciences.
25. 10. 2022

Support services of the Student Hub for more successful studies

The University of Maribor offers you comprehensive support in developing your potential and overcoming challenges during your studies.
12. 10. 2022

Workshop of Erasmus+ Project “Integrating Digital Content and Digitalization of High Schools” – iDADOHS No. 2021-1-MK01-KA220-HED-000027646

According to the planned project learning, teaching and training activities, the “iDADOHS September 2022 Workshop in Kranj” was conducted between 5th and 7th September 2022 at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences in cooperation with “Šolski center Kranj” – Technical High School.
19. 09. 2022

Online Slovene language course for international students

The University of Maribor organizes a Slovene language course for future international students. The course will be online and will take place on VZUMoodle.
06. 07. 2022

Application for Enrolment in Postgraduate Studies at the UM – 2nd Application Period for Foreigners

On 6 July 2022, the University of Maribor shall open under the 2022/2023 Call for Enrolment in Postgraduate Study Programmes of the University of Maribor.
07. 06. 2022

STUDY VISIT FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSORS of the UM Faculty of Organisational Sciences Kranj

After a break of a few years, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor has again organized an international study visit for students and professors of the Faculty.
07. 06. 2022

Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor – 2022/23 Academic Year

The University of Maribor is announcing the »Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor – 2022/23 Academic Year«.