

A message for foreign students

17. 08. 2020
Students from 3rd countries who enter Slovenia, must undergo a mandatory 14 days quarantine. During the quarantine it is not allowed to leave the residence, not even to take exams, so we advise you to adjust accordingly your arrival in Slovenia. Please follow the list of countries for border crossings without limitations.

Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor – 2020/2021 Academic Year

08. 07. 2020
We would kindly like to inform you that the »Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor – 2020/2021 Academic Year« is published on the University of Maribor's website.

Second application period for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and citizens of non-EU Member States – foreign nationals

06. 07. 2020
On 6 July 2020, the University of Maribor shall open the second application period for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and citizens of non-EU Member States – foreign nationals under the 2020/2021 Call for Enrolment in Postgraduate Programmes of the University of Maribor.​


11. 06. 2020
EFNMS, the European Federation of Maintenance Societies of which our researchers are also members, celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2020.

Important message about regulations on quarantine during the term of the COVID-19 measures

27. 05. 2020
Important message from our Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Sports about regulations on quarantine during the term of the COVID-19 measures

The first application deadline for foreigners within the call for enrolment into undergraduate and long-cycle master's study programmes in 2020/21 closes on 9th of June 2020

27. 05. 2020
We would like to inform you that the deadlines, which were open until further notice due to the emergency situation related to the COVID-19 situation, will officially close on 9 June 2020.

The first application deadline for foreigners within the 2020/21 call for enrolment in postgraduate study programmes closes on 9th of June 2020

26. 05. 2020
We would like to inform you that the first application deadline for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and foreign nationals – citizens of non-EU Member States within the 2020/21 Call for Enrolment in Postgraduate Study Programmes of the University of Maribor will officially close on 9 June 2020.

Notification about the execution of exams in the summer 2019/2020 exam period

25. 05. 2020
The aim of the Plan of the University of Maribor for Ensuring Continuous work in the Time of Coronavirus is to contribute to reducing the negative impact and disturbances that can be caused by the coronavirus on educational and research work; define activities and human resources for carrying out the educational and research process; ensuring organization performance as well as establishing good internal and external communication with performers of the pedagogical process, other employees, students, the Ministry and the public; ensuring the protection of people and limiting the spread of infection as well as minimising morbidity among employees; ensuring greater health security and awareness.

Important information for employees and students

21. 05. 2020
From 18 May 2020, students regain the permission to enter the buildings of the University of Maribor, however, only to conduct urgent activities that cannot be performed remotely. Students should send an e-mail if they want to conduct urgent activities .

On-line Lecture - Student Work for Foreign Students in Slovenia

04. 05. 2020
The Career Centre of the University of Maribor will organize an on-line lecture about student work for foreign students in Slovenia on May 12 at 13hrs.


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