Accessibility statement

The University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences undertakes to make the website accessible to all users in accordance with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications.

To ensure accessibility requirements, some adaptations have been systemically provided, such as:

  • responsive design (adjusting content layout to screen resolution),
  • display of content for users of assistive technologies (for example: screen readers),
  • keyboard navigation (adaptation for users who cannot use a mouse),
  • appropriate color contrasts (between text and background),
  • predictable operation of the website,
  • it is possible to equip images with alternative text,
  • it is possible to use different levels of addresses.

Compliance level

The website partially complies with the Act on Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications due to the exceptions listed below.

Inaccessible content - assessment of disproportionate burden (Article 6 ZDSMA)

The Faculty of Organizational Sciences estimates that there would be financial consequences for it if the entire content of the website were to be adapted (translated into sign language and/or equipped with subtitles or otherwise appropriately adapted in accordance with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications), as the scope is The content of the website is great. The Faculty of Organizational Sciences assesses a disproportionate burden by the fact that the financial consequences would be disproportionate to the benefit for the user. Information on the website is also available to users in other ways (telephone, personal visit). In addition to significant financial consequences, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences also took into account the internal organization, personnel and financial burden that optimization would require when assessing the disproportionate burden. A significant part of the content is also of such a nature that it changes and it would be difficult to ensure that translations are up-to-date (e.g. videos).

Regardless of the reasons described above for not adapting certain online content for vulnerable groups, the accessibility of the website is constantly monitored and individual elements of accessibility are constantly being improved. Nevertheless, due to a disproportionate burden, some of the published content may not meet all accessibility requirements as set out in the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications. In the case of online publications within the website, some documents that are intended for professional or narrow target audiences or that would represent a disproportionate burden due to their complexity are therefore not accessible to users with various forms of disabilities. However, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor, we still make great efforts to ensure that all our content is adapted as much as possible to potential users who belong to vulnerable groups. In the future, we will make sure that we publish documents in an accessible format as much as possible.

Examples of such content are:

  • scanned documents in PDF format,
  • graphic elements in the form of images with captions (e.g. infographics),
  • videos,
  • various complex data tables.

Feedback and contact information

Due to very frequent content updates, visitors may occasionally encounter accessibility problems when browsing the website, despite efforts to make all websites as accessible and user-friendly as possible. We can further improve accessibility if you tell us about your experience with our website. If you encounter any problem, if you need access to information that is unavailable, please let us know.
Notification of possible cases of non-compliance of publications with the provisions of the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications and requests to provide information in an accessible format can be sent by regular mail or email:

  • Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj
  • +386 (0)4 2374 242

You will receive an answer within eight days of receiving the notification or request. If we will not be able to give an adequate answer within this period, we will inform you when the answer will be given and the reasons for the delay in the answer.

In the event that you find a deviation from the provisions of the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications, you can submit a report to the information society inspectors by regular mail or email to the address:

Preparation of the accessibility statement

The statement was last updated on Januray 22, 2024.