On the basis of the Policy on Open Access to UM Research Infrastructure, approved at the 14th regular meeting of the Senate of the University of Maribor, 24 November 2022 by Decision No 030/2020/78/515-MP, the Senate of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor, at its 37th regular meeting on 20 April 2023, adopted Decision No DECISION SE-986 adopting the following resolution

Policy on Open Access to Research Infrastructure of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

1. Preamble

The Policy on Open Access to Research Infrastructure of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences is implemented in accordance with the Policy on Open Access to Research Infrastructure of the University of Maribor (RiUM) of 24 November 2020.

This document defines the research infrastructure, users of the infrastructure, methods of access to the research infrastructure, costs and fees for access, methods of education and training, access restrictions, ethical conduct and research integrity and non-discrimination in access, quality assurance of access, and research data management and transparency, which are in force at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences (hereafter referred to as UM FOV).

UM FOV is a research entity of RiUM.

The policy on open access to the research infrastructure of the UM FOV is established on the basis of the third paragraph of point 1 of the Policy on Open Access to the Research Infrastructure of the University of Maribor, which defines that RiUM consists of individual entities representing units of the University equipped with research infrastructure.

2. Definition

The UM FOV Research Infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as RI UM FOV) comprises the totality of multi-purpose and multi-dimensional facilities, laboratory environments, research equipment, digital research systems and databases, and research groups or research organizations used or operating for research purposes. RI UM FOV enables research in business and administrative sciences and in the broader interdisciplinary field and is key to achieving excellence in research and to achieving wider societal development.

RI UM FOV is organised at UM FOV in the form of a single entity (unit) headed by a Vice-Dean for Scientific Research.

The UM FOV RI comprises core RI (buildings, equipment, etc.) and knowledge transfer RI (researchers, databases, etc.).

3. Users

The RI UM FOV is publicly accessible to researchers, research groups or research organisations in the context of UM research activities (employees, including researchers at different levels, postdoctoral researchers, technicians and PhDs) and research activities outside UM (external users, i.e. researchers from other research organisations, from industry and other users).

Users are involved in the design or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems in the context of research.

In the case of use of RI by external users, the PF UM requires proof of possession of the knowledge and skills necessary to use the RI. If the external user does not have the required knowledge and skills to use the RI in a professional manner, the UM FOV may offer a comprehensive service to be provided by staff trained for the job. The cost of such a service shall be borne by the user outside UM FOV.

Users must comply with the relevant UM FOV principles, strategies, directives and other UM FOV regulatory documents when participating in and using UM FOV RI.

4. Access

Access means a legitimate and authorised way for users to participate in and use the UM FOV RI and services. Access may be physical, remote or virtual (allowing access to the RI through communication channels or web-based network resources), and depends on the type of research infrastructure for which the potential user expresses a need.

The UM FOV RI includes a form of access based on the excellence of the research work and on the market orientation of the research. The form of access based on excellence depends on the scientific excellence, originality, quality and technical and ethical feasibility of the work. The market-driven form of access is possible if agreed between the user and the RI and involves the payment of an access fee. This form is also possible when there is a market need that requires technical or scientific solutions achieved through access to RI. Both modalities are approved on the basis of an internal assessment or peer review of the application.

The UM FOV is responsible for determining the amount of its own RI that is made available to external users, under clear, transparent and fair conditions.

The UM FOV shall determine the amount of access to users, which shall be measured in units of access (such as hours of use of RI).

Procedures and collaborations related to access to UM FOV RI may vary according to the different types of RI (e.g. application, negotiation, evaluation, etc.), but decisions on access requests to users should be clear and justified.

5. Costs and fees

Access to RI may be free of charge or for a fee, and any conditions attached to the use of RI must be transparent and publicly available. In the case of paid access, the user will be charged a fee which must be related to the actual use of the RI. Fees for access to different types of RI may vary but should follow the following principles:

  • verifiability;
  • traceability of the work done on the RI, including the maintenance of adequate records of access requests (successful and unsuccessful), reasons for denial of access (where relevant), usage data, etc.;
  • prohibition of double funding;
  • compliance with all relevant national, EU and competition law funding conditions.

Market-oriented access fees are equivalent to full commercial prices.

The unit cost depends on the amount of use of a given access unit.

6. Education and training

As part of RiUM's open access policy, RI UM FOV also encourages cooperation with other institutions and organisations that benefit from RiUM and RI UM FOV for their research, education and training. This applies in particular to research organisations in the field of business and administrative sciences and in the broader interdisciplinary field, and to profit and non-profit organisations operating in the market.

7. Restrictions

Access to UM FOV RI may be restricted by national security and defence, privacy and confidentiality, commercial sensitivity, intellectual property rights and ethical considerations in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

8. Ethical conduct, research integrity and non-discrimination

The RI UM FOV Open Access Policy follows the Code of Ethical Conduct of the University of Maribor and the eight principles defined in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity of the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the Association of European Academies (ALLEA). The eight principles by which researchers must conduct themselves include honesty in communication, reliability in the conduct of research, objectivity, impartiality and independence, openness and accessibility, the duty of care, honesty in reference and merit, and responsibility towards future scientists and researchers.

In considering whether to grant RI UM FOV access to a user, the user must not be discriminated against on the basis of personal considerations.

9. Quality assurance

As part of the quality assurance of open access to UM FOV RI, mechanisms will be established to assess the quality of access to RI within UM FOV. The mechanisms will follow the general principles defined by the European Commission. These principles are referred to in English by the acronym "RACER" (Relevant, Accepted, Credible, Easy, Robust):

  • relevance and close link to the objectives set. Mechanisms must not be over-ambitious and must measure the right elements,
  • acceptance by RI and stakeholders. The role and responsibilities for the indicator should be well defined,
  • credibility for non-experts, unambiguity and easy interpretation,
  • indicators should be as simple and robust as possible,
  • ease of monitoring, low cost and low effort,
  • stability in cases of manipulation attempts.

The mechanisms put in place must include the following parameters:

  • user metrics (e.g. user access, user base and relevance to users),
  • RI operational metrics (e.g. provision of access, services, central management, reliability, visibility, size and development of the user community),
  • strategic indicators (e.g. publications and other products, cross-disciplinarity, economic impact); and
  • financial metrics (e.g. service, resources, costs, return).

10. Research data management

The Data Management Policy provides clear guidance on how and where to store the resulting data for a reasonable period of time, and how the user should make the data available for re-use. Data must follow the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability). Research data management is defined in a separate regulatory document at the level of the University of Maribor.

11. Transparency

Transparency of information on the RiUM Open Access Policy, general information on RiUM and contacts of RiUM entities is provided by the Department for Research and Artistic Activities of the University of Maribor (ORUD UM).

Transparency of information on the Open Access Policy of the UM FOV RiUM and general information on the UM FOV RiUM is provided by the UM FOV Research Centre.

Open Access Policy on UM FOV Research Infrastructure