3rd International Summer School: Organization, Management and Society

  04. 09. 2023 - 09. 09. 2023
  09:00 - 12:00
   FOV UM, Kranj, Slovenia

At the Faculty of Organizational Sciences which is the member of the University of Maribor we will again organise the International Summer school (Erasmus+ BIP) which will be held in Kranj, Slovenia. This will be our 3rd International Summer School and it will be held between the 4th and 9th of September in Kranj and on the 31st of August and 15th of September online.

Title of our 3rd International Summer School is: »Organization, Management and Society«.

You can find all information regarding the program, applications, etc. on our official webpage: https://summerschool.fov.um.si/.

If you require more information please contact our International Office: international.fov@um.si.


Flyer - Summer School 2023