Some students face particular circumstances or pressures that prevent or hinder their full and effective integration and participation in the learning process. Students with special educational needs are entitled to adapted educational conditions in order to acquire the necessary skills and competences and successfully complete their studies.
Status of a student with special needs:
- students who are blind, partially sighted or visually impaired,
- deaf and hard of hearing students,
- students with speech and language impairments,
- students with deficits in specific areas of learning,
- students with physical disabilities,
- students with long-term illness,
- students with autism spectrum disorders; and
- students with psychosocial difficulties.
Special student status:
- students categorised as athletes and coaches,
- students recognised as artists and cultural practitioners,
- other students taking part in (regional) international competitions, and
- students who are parents until the start of their child's compulsory education.
At the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, we provide special accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with the individual needs of each disabled student and the financial capacity of the Faculty. We have access for disabled students to all lecture halls, the Student Affairs Office, the library, there is a suitable ramp in front of the entrance to the building and there are two lifts within the Faculty of Organisational Sciences building. There are also sanitary facilities adapted for people with disabilities. Parking of private vehicles is available outside the entrance to the Faculty building.
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor is also a holder of the "Athlete-friendly education" certificate, awarded by the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations (OKS-ZŠZ), to encourage activities in the field of dual careers of athletes. More at: http://www.olympic.si/sportniki/dvojna-kariera/projekti-dvojne-kariere/sportnikom-prijazno-izobrazevanje.
The application for special status is decided upon by the Student Affairs Committee of the UM FOV, which adopts a decision by which the student may or may not be granted the special status requested. The decision specifies the adjustments granted and the period for which the student is granted the status. As a general rule, the student shall be granted special status for one academic year with the possibility of renewal.
The procedure for granting status to different categories of students and the rights and obligations arising from each status are regulated by the Regulations on Students with Special Status at the University of Maribor and the Regulations on the Study Process of Students with Disabilities at the University of Maribor.
The application for special student status is submitted by the student to the Student Affairs Office on a special form (see link below). The application must be accompanied by:
- appropriate supporting documents depending on the type of special status applied for
- a receipt for the payment of the decision fee of EUR 18,10 (in accordance with the approved UM price list):
IBAN: SI56 0110 0609 5916 533 - Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Kidričeva cesta 55a, 4000 Kranj;
REFERENCE: SI00 410_ _ _ _ _ _->Under REFERENCE please enter your registration number;
PURPOSE OF PAYMENT: plačilo stroškov sklepa oz. odločbe.
- Application for special status as a student with a disability
- Application for special student status
The contact person for students with a special status is the Head of the Student Affairs Office, Sandra Grubač (sandra.grubac@um.si). You can also always contact teacher tutors and student tutors.
Some important information can be found on the UM website: https://moja.um.si/student/Strani/posebni-status.aspx and also on the website of the Association of Students with Disabilities of Slovenia and in the booklet Friendly studies for students with disabilities (recommendations for adapting the study process).
Association of Students with Disabilities
Possibility of obtaining study aids for students with disabilities
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor is also a holder of the "Athlete-friendly education" certificate awarded by the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations (OKS-ZŠZ) to encourage activities in the field of dual careers of athletes. More at: https://www.olympic.si/sportniki/dvojna-kariera/projekti-dvojne-kariere/sportnikom-prijazno-izobrazevanje.