VS (1st cycle), UN (1st cycle) and MSc (2nd cycle) study programmes Enterprise Engineering / Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems, Organisation and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems, Organisation and Management of Information Systems
Conditions for advancement to the 2nd year - VS and UN (1st cycle) programmes:
- Students are promoted to the 2nd year if they have accumulated at least 45 ECTS by completing the 1st year requirements.
Conditions for advancement to the 3rd year - VS and UN programme (1st cycle):
- The student is promoted to the 3rd year if he/she has completed all the requirements of the 1st year (accumulating 60 ECTS) and has accumulated at least 45 ECTS in the 2nd year. Without the first year requirements of 60 ECTS, even exceptional advancement to the third year is not possible.
Conditions for advancement to the 2nd year - MAG programme (2nd cycle):
- The student is promoted to the 2nd year if he/she has completed the requirements of the 1st year and has accumulated at least 45 ECTS.
VS degree programme Management in Sport 1st cycle
Conditions for advancement to the 2nd year:
- The student is promoted to the second year if he/she has accumulated at least 45 ECTS by completing the requirements of the first year.
Conditions for advancement to the 3rd year:
- The student is promoted to the third year if he/she has completed all the requirements of the first year (accumulating 60 ECTS) and has accumulated at least 45 ECTS in the second year. Without the first year requirements of 60 ECTS, even exceptional advancement to the third year is not possible.
VS study programme 1st cycle Crisis Management
Conditions for advancement to the 2nd year:
- The student is promoted to the 2nd year if he/she has completed the requirements of the 1st year and has accumulated at least 45 ECTS.
Conditions for advancement to the 3rd year:
- The student is promoted to the third year if he/she has completed all the requirements of the first year (accumulating 60 ECTS) and has accumulated at least 45 ECTS in the second year. Without the first year requirements of 60 ECTS, even exceptional advancement to the third year is not possible.
Students may repeat a year or change their programme of study or course of study once during their studies for failure to fulfil the requirements of a previous course or programme of study.
Repeating a year is not considered regular progression, which means that in the case of changes to the study programme, the student may be assigned additional study requirements.
The Student Affairs Committee of a member university shall approve the repetition of a year for a student who:
- has participated regularly in all forms of higher education work provided for in the study programme; and
- completed the requirements of the year of enrolment to the extent of at least 30 ECTS.
Exceptionally, the Board may also allow a student to repeat a year of study who has regularly participated in all forms of higher education work provided for in the study programme and who has completed less than 30 ECTS and not less than 15 ECTS of the year of study enrolled, provided that there are justified reasons for extending the student's status under these Statutes.
An appeal against the determination of the Student Affairs Committee may be lodged with the University Student Appeals Board within 8 days. The decision of the University Student Appeals Board shall be final.
Amendment of the Higher Education Act - the right to a graduate traineeship:
As of 31 May 2012, the Act on Balancing Public Finances (Official Journal of the RS, No 40/12; hereinafter referred to as the ZUJF) came into force, and with it the Act on Amendments and Additions to the Act on Higher Education (Articles 57 to 60 and 216 to 220 of the ZUJF, and the final provision of the ZUJF - Article 251), which also changes the status of a student and thus the right to benefit from a graduate traineeship.
As of the academic year 2012/2013, changes have been implemented regarding the duration or termination of student status.
There are NO CHANGES for students enrolled in first- or second-level study programmes in the 2012/2013 academic year who, by the end of the 2011/2012 academic year, had already exercised the right to repeat a year or change their study programme or course of study once during their studies due to a failure to fulfil the requirements of their previous course or programme of study. This means that if they do not complete their studies within twelve months of the end of the last semester, their status as a student will be terminated (they will graduate).
Students enrolled in first or second level study programmes in the academic year 2012/2013 who, by the end of the academic year 2011/2012, have not exercised their right to repeat a year or change their study programme or course of study once during their studies on the grounds of failure to fulfil the obligations in the previous course or programme of study shall be deemed to have ceased to be a student at the end of the last semester if they have repeated a year or changed their study programme or course of study during their studies, i.e. from the academic year 2012/2013 onwards inclusive (not a graduate student).