The Programme Council of a study programme of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences is a consultative body that participates in the design, evaluation and development of the study programme. The Programme Council is composed of distinguished experts from the business sector and representatives of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. In accordance with the Statutes of the University of Maribor, the head of the study programme is a member of the Programme Council.

Enterprise Engineering / Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems

Head of the study programmes Business Systems Engineering
(1st cycle: VS, UN, 2nd cycle: MSc): Full professor PhD Tomaž Kern
Head of the study programme Organization and Management of Business and Work Systems
(3rd cycle: DR): Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar

The Programme Board of the study programmes Organization and Management of Information Systems (VS, UN, MAG, DR) is composed of representatives of the following companies and organisations:

  • C & G Representation, Consulting and Engineering d.o.o.,
  • DONIT TESNIT d.o.o.,
  • Gorenje d.d.,
  • IdeaDue Ltd,
  • LEK d.d,
  • SIJ Acroni d.o.o.

and representatives of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences:

  • Full professor PhD Zvonko Balantič,
  • Full professor PhD Tomaž Kern,
  • Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar,
  • Assistant Professor PhD Matjaž Maletič,

Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems

Head of the study programmes Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems (1st cycle: VS, UN, 2nd cycle: MAG): Full professor PhD Goran Vukovič
Head of the study programme Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems (3rd cycle: DR): Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar

The Programme Board of the study programmes Organization and Management of Human Resources and Educational Systems (VS, UN, MAG, DR) is composed of representatives of the following companies and organisations:

  • Iskra Emeco d.d.,
  • LEK d.d.,
  • Pharma Swiss division of Bausch Health,
  • Toyota Adria d.o.o.

and representatives of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences:

  • Full professor PhD Eva Jereb,
  • Full professor PhD Goran Vukovič,
  • Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar,
  • Associate Professor PhD Mojca Bernik.

Organization and Management of Information Systems

Head of the study programmes Organization and Management of Information Systems
(1st cycle: VS, UN, 2nd cycle: MSc): Full professor PhD Andreja Pucihar
Head of the study programme Organization and Management of Information Systems
(3rd cycle: DR): Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar

The Programme Board of the study programmes Organization and Management of Information Systems (VS, UN, MAG, DR) is composed of representatives of the following companies and organisations:

  • Arctur d.o.o.,
  • Bank of Slovenia,
  • IBM Services,
  • Iskra Mehanizmi, d.o.o,
  • Qubix d.o.o,
  • Zavod za pensionninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje

and representatives of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences:

  • Full professor PhD Robert Leskovar,
  • Full professor PhD Andreja Pucihar,
  • Full professor PhD Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar,
  • Associate Professor PhD Borut Werber.

Management in Sport

Head of the study programme Management in Sport (VS): Assistant Professor PhD Alenka Tratnik

The Programme Board of the study programme Management in Sport (1st cycle, VS) consists of 5 members of the Athletes' Commission of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations and a representative of the University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Full professor PhD Iztok Podbregar. a representative of the University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Assistant Professor PhD Alenka Tratnik.

Crisis Management

Head of the study programme Crisis Management: Full Professor PhD, PhD Teodora Ivanuša

The Programme Board of the study programme Crisis Management (1st cycle, VS) is composed of representatives of the following companies and organisations:

  • Adria Flight Career Center Ltd,
  • Fraport Slovenija, d.o.o.,
  • Air Traffic Control Slovenia, d.o.o,
  • Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • NATO Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare Poljče,
  • Police,
  • Slovenian Armed Forces

and representatives of the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences:

  • Full Professor PhD, PhD Teodora Ivanuša,
  • Full Professor PhD Iztok Podbregar,
  • Full Professor PhD Polona Šprajc.

Management in Health and Social Welfare

Head of the Coordinating Board of the study programme Management in Health and Social Welfare (2nd cycle: MAG): Assistant Professor PhD Matjaž Maletič
Member of the Coordinating Board of the study programme Management in Health and Social Welfare (2nd cycle: MSc): Full Professor PhD Polona Šprajc