Student Affairs Office

The Student Affairs Office takes care for the organisation and coordination of the educational process:

  • Advising the prospective students in the selection of Study Programmes,
  • Participation in Information Days,
  • Preparation of timetables,
  • Management of the students' records from their enrolment to the award of the diplomas,
  • Award of the diplomas,
  • Cooperation and performance of tasks pursuant to the decisions of the Commission for Student Affairs and the Commission for Scientific and Research Affairs,
  • Cooperation with the Chairs,
  • Study Programmes' accreditation.

Head of the Student Affairs Office: Sandra Grubač

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study (Office Clerk for Undergraduate Study Programme, and Postgraduate Master's Programme: Irena Benedičič

Graduates and Master’s Degree Office: Sandra Grubač

Educational Process Planning (Planning Office): Daša Jakše

Study Programmes` Development: Špela Odlazek Kološa

  • Telephone number: +386 (0)4 23 74 213


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